When They Show Their Wild Side: 7 Steps You Need To Take Immediately After Getting Bitten By A Dog

Even when Fido’s owner swears he is the sweetest thing and wouldn’t harm a fly, you still need to be cautious around him. Any animal with teeth can bite, and dogs are especially known to show aggression when they think they are protecting their own or when they feel they are in danger. Sometimes they bite for no apparent reason, as well.
Regardless of the reason behind the aggression, if you have been a victim of a dog bite, there are some things you need to do immediately to protect your health and your finances if you end up needing further care.
7 Steps To You Need To Take After Getting Bitten By A Dog
Any dog attack is usually surprising, and sometimes it can even be terrifying. Every dog bite has the potential to be dangerous and should be taken seriously. Knowing these seven things to do immediately after an aggressive dog attack can help you recover quickly and move forward to heal and find closure.
1. Seek immediate assistance.
Your health is priority, so find someone to take you to the emergency room or a doctor, or call for emergency services. Meanwhile, attempt to stop the bleeding yourself while you are waiting for help.
2. Try to pinpoint the animal that bit you.
This may sound like common sense, but sometimes an animal comes out of nowhere and disappears right back there before you know what bit you. If you can determine the bite, the medical workers can help treat you better.
Knowing the owner of the animal can help you avoid a rabies shot if they are up-to-date with their vaccinations and have records. This will also help later should you need to seek legal assistance.
3. Get the contact information for any witnesses.
You may not feel like doing this at the time, but this may be your best chance to find out who was a witness to your attack. Get their personal information – name, address, phone number – and write it down if possible. Should you need further medical care or need to file a lawsuit later, your attorney will need this information.
4. Carefully treat for infection.
The doctor that you see should clean the bite carefully and apply stitches if necessary. Dogs have a lot of bacteria in their mouth, so many times dog bites end up infected.
5. Give yourself proper medical treatment.
Follow your doctor’s orders as directed. Even if you feel that there is no problem, take the medication that they give you. If you feel any other symptoms, notice signs of infection, or see any other issues that concern you, return to your doctor as soon as possible.
6. Attempt to collect the owner’s insurance information.
If you know who owned the dog that bit you, they should have homeowners or rental insurance that applies to dog bite situations and will cover your medical bills. If they give you the information willingly, collect their personal info and a claim number if possible. If they refuse, you may need an attorney to follow this through for you.
7. If you have to speak to the insurance company, do so through an attorney or legal representative.
The insurance company of the dog’s owner is not out for your best interests, no matter how nice they are. If you need medical help beyond the initial visit, you should speak to a knowledgeable attorney by researching those like www.steffensinjurylaw.com/practice-areas/animal-bite to determine if you will need legal representation to get your claims paid and possibly receive compensation for your attack.
When In Doubt On How To Handle Your Dog Bite, Check With An Attorney
Some dog bites are minor and the injuries that result from them go away quickly. Others may become infected, cause wounds and scarring, and are more serious in general.
If you are unsure as to whether or not you should pursue a claim against the owner of the dog that bit you, talk to an attorney to see if your situation warrants a lawsuit. When in doubt, always ask.