When They Go Out Of Control: 4 Step-by-Step Guidelines On What To Do If You Get Bitten By A Dog

Dogs may be man’s best friend, but not all of them are so friendly. While most dogs love nothing more than to meet new people, and get a nice scratch on the head, some dogs can react violently to being approached by a stranger. If you’re ever in a dangerous dog situation, don’t panic. Here are the guidelines you should follow if you ever get bitten by a dog.
Stay Calm and Examine the Wound
Even though you’re in pain, it’s important to stay levelheaded. Calmly create a safe distance between yourself and the dog, then figure out how badly you’ve been bitten. If you’ve only got a shallow scrape or gash, all you need to do is clean the cut with running water and alcohol, then cover it with a bandage. If the dog’s teeth have created a more serious puncture wound, wait about five minutes to see if the bleeding slows and then put pressure on the puncture. If you can’t stop the bloodflow using direct pressure after five minutes, call 911. If you’ve suffered a serious bite to your face, neck, or other especially vulnerable area, call 911 immediately.
Obtain the Names and Addresses of Witnesses and the Dog Owner
If you’ve been bitten by an unfamiliar dog, you need to try to find its owner and write down their contact information. If the wound is serious and you end up needing emergency services, you may be entitled to receive compensation from the dog’s owner, so it’s important that you know who they are. You’ll also need their contact information so they can provide you with proof that their dog has been vaccinated for rabies. If the dog is a stray and has no owner, your doctor is likely to give you a rabies shot to ensure that you’re not in danger of contracting any diseases from the dog bite.
Contact a Lawyer
If you’ve suffered a serious injury that requires emergency medical treatment, such as a broken bone, stitches, or even reconstructive surgery, you should definitely contact a personal injury lawyer. Working together, you’ll determine whether you have a viable claim. If you do, they can help you receive financial compensation for any medical or psychological treatment that you undergo as a result of getting bitten. You don’t have to worry about suffering through this process alone. A great legal team will stand by you and help you get the compensation you’re owed.
Dog attacks can be a terrifying, even traumatic experience. In the heat of the moment, it’s easy to panic. If you ever find yourself the victim of an unprovoked dog bite, just remember these simple guidelines. You need to assess the severity of your wound, call emergency medical services if you’ve been badly injured, obtain the contact information of the dog’s owner, and contact a lawyer if you’ve suffered a serious injury. Although there’s no real way to turn this scary situation into a positive one, following these guidelines will help you follow the path to the best-case scenario.