Teen Stress – A Preventable Epidemic

According to a survey undertaken by the American Psychological Association in 2010, almost 1/3 of teenagers and even younger children are regularly so stressed and anxious that it manifests in physical symptoms such as nausea, trembling, and sleeplessness. Even more worrying is the fact that many teens appear to have stress levels equivalent to or above those which are experienced by adults. Being a teen or a tween is a hard enough time as it is, without added stressors thrown into the mix. Why are our teens so stressed? What impact is it having on their lives? And how can we help them?
Causes Of Stress
There seem to be five major causes of stress for young people: Schoolwork, parents, romantic relationships, siblings, and friends. Modern society puts an immense amount of pressure on teens to be constantly achieving, which is often not conducive to a healthy state of mind. Teens feel in competition with one another and under pressure from their families to achieve over and above the odds – at a time when they are just not mentally or emotionally mature enough to cope.
Issues Associated With Stress
While these stresses may be something which most teens will ultimately grow out of, they can have lasting effects. All too many teenagers turn to stimulants to help them get by. The most commonly used of these is caffeine – which is not without its health risks. However, the risk of turning to alcohol and drugs increases exponentially as stress levels rise. Needless to say, this can ultimately have life-wrecking effects.
Helping Out
There are things that can reduce teen stress levels. Key among these is promoting good health. Good nutrition and plenty of sleep will do the world of good. The body and mind need appropriate fuel to combat the stresses of the day. The temptation to turn to junk food for comfort when stressed does a lot more harm than good. Giving your body the kind of fuel that it needs and it good for it will help immensely. Sleep – and lots of it – gives the brain an opportunity to process and reduce anxieties. Exercise can also be immensely helpful. Not only does it keep the body and mind fit and healthy, it often gives troubled individuals an outlet in which to vent frustrations. For more information on teen stress and coping with it, read this article.
Nice article. I know my teen-aged son takes things really hard — silly things people say and do, look he gets. Even months later he’s sill obsessing on them. I wish I knew how to teach to let things go…