My Kid’s Health By Pomelo Limited
When you become a mom, you tend to forget yourself but never your child. You try to make them feel secure and protect them from all kinds of harm. And of course, their health is our primary concern.
However, I am also a busy mom so sometimes I tend to forget. Thankfully, through my perseverance I won an iPad2 in an online contest. Through that, I learned about the app called My Kid’s Health. And I am so thankful.

You see, through this app, I could easily keep track of the progress of my child’s height and weight. I also realized that I have skipped some immunizations that are very important for my daughter Kimy. It also alerts me whenever we have a doctor’s or a dental appointment. It is just so cool to have it because it is both fun and useful. It is just perfect for forgetful moms like me.

Kimy’s general information

Kimy’s growth history

Kimy’s vaccinations
I would also like to mention that my husband really enjoys using the app as well because it is easy to navigate and you get almost instantaneous results.

Daddy loves to record the details of Kimy’s immunization from her baby’s book into the app
The My Kid’s Health app is applicable for babies up to teens. And it can also be used for those families with several children. This iPad compatible app only costs $8.99 and occupies 6.3 MB of space. It requires iOS 4.3 or higher, and it’s available in English language. This is such a great app and I am just happy to have discovered it!
More info about My Kid’s Health:
- All the basics: Date of birth, blood type, allergies, social security / national health number, as well as your child’s photo
- Growth records: Height, weight, head circumference, plotted beautifully on a graph
- Personalized vaccination schedule: Keeps records of previous vaccinations, and reminders for upcoming injections. Vaccination data is calculated using your child’s date of birth, with data provided by the World Health Organization and national authorities
- Upcoming doctor appointments: Also keeps a history of visits, with details of diagnosis and treatment
- Upcoming dentist appointments: with a history of visits
- Childhood illnesses: Keep track of which common childhood illnesses, such as Chickenpox (varicella), your child has had
- Accident and illness history: Coughs, scrapes, fevers, and accidents — all can be recorded for a full history of your child’s health
- View upcoming appointments and vaccinations for all your children on one easy screen
- Appointments and schedules are synced with your iPad calendar with notifications and reminders
- Ideal for newborns to teens
- My Kid’s Health is perfect for a single child, or a large family
- Full and unrestricted, no need to pay for upgrades or in-app purchases
Learn more about My Kid’s Health App by Pomelo Limited by checking out their social media accounts:
- Facebook:
- Twitter:
this app is very useful and parent/s-baby friendly. :)
Congratulations pala! This app is really helpful! I have a reminder calendar naman for my use but I think my hubby needs this one since he’s the forgetful of us, when he needs the kids data then a tap here and there would save him a lot of time and me from wasting saliva…lol :)
after reading this post, my urge to own an ipad2 is accelerating due its cool applications and more features which is very much useful :)
I love this review! Very detailed and well-explained. Now, if only…
1. I have an iPad 2
2. I already have a kid (not sure why this is #2 LOL)
It is indeed a very useful app. It’s like a backup of your kid’s paper records. :)
that’s a great app. wish it was available for iPhone too.
a very ideal application! i just wish i can afford an iPad 2. but sure thing is if i have one i’ll get that app!
this is very nice mommy dha! ka very good app and worth it too :D