Q&A: Bedwetting Blues

My 4-year-old daughter feels guilty and embarrassed that she still wets her bed at night. Honestly, it has become very stressful for me, too. How can I help her stop making this nighttime booboo?
Bedwetting, technically known as primary enuresis, is a natural part of child development. Kids eventually grow out of it.
It is important for parents and caregivers to withhold their children wet the bed. After all, they don’t do it on purpose.
Do not scold your daughter or make her feel guilty when you have to change the beddings in the mornings. Instead, reassure her that her bed will stay dry eventually. Tell her that you will work with her toward the goal of learning how to stop bedwetting.
Most of the time, bedwetting is not a sign of any deep medical or emotional issue. However, bedwetting may sometimes be caused by anxiety or stress. If the child has already stopped bedwetting but reverted to it, then psychological factors may be at play. Ask the child how she is doing in school with regard to her academic performance, relationship with peers and teachers, and similar concerns.
Parents’ attitudes greatly affect a child’s disposition and success in overcoming the condition. Your frustration, anger, and embarrassment may cause your child to develop negative feelings toward herself. Parents should focus on understanding and encouragement to help their children reduce negative feelings and speed up the process of overcoming their bedwetting habit.