An EIN is the Employer Identification Number and is also known as the federal tax id number. It is a nine digit number assigned by the Internal Revenue Service or the IRS to identify the ...
Get 15% Lazada Benefit From Pera Swipe PERA SWIPE, a patented lock screen rewards app exclusively available in the Philippines, has officially partnered up with LAZADA last April 2018. Beyond giving free loads and rewards, ...
Holding an event in your back garden is a really great idea for lots of reasons. For one, you do not need to worry about venue hire costs, which can run into the thousands for ...
Once you become a wife and a mother, your family becomes your top priority. Not only do you give them all the love in the world, you also take care and provide them with everything ...
Crime can, unfortunately, happen anywhere, anytime and based on that statistic, the odds might not be in your favor. Needless to say, be prepared in case of an attack. For starters, you can get a ...
For a parent, our first instinct is to protect and take care of our families. In the Philippines, over 26 million Filipino families remain poor with over half of those living below the poverty line, ...
The minimum driving age for a vehicle is 17 in the Philippines, a full year younger than in some European countries. Teens also start college early, at the average age of 16 (compared to around ...
Kids grow up in a blink of an eye. One minute your child is happily playing outside with his or her friends, the next thing you know, they’re asking you if they can bring their ...