Baby’s Emotional Milestones
This is an overview of your baby’s emotional development from birth to the first year of age. The time frames presented are averages, and some children may achieve various developmental milestones earlier or later than the average but may still be within the normal range.
Birth To 1 Month
Emotional Development:
- Understands more than you expect him to.
- May have generalized tension as he adjusts to the outside world.
- By your tone, your breathing and the feel of your skin, he can tell how you feel.
What You Can Do:
- Be there when he needs you. This will cultivate trust and security.
- Your baby will feel his worth whenever you pick him up when he cries, feed him when he’s hungry, and change him when he is wet.
2 To 3 Months
Emotional Development:
- Likes observing what goes on around him.
- Will develop a “social smile,” to show contentment.
- Can now react to faces that he likes.
- Starts cooing, gurgling, and humming. May also express anger and surprise.
What You Can Do:
- Encourage him by responding to his coos / gurgles and smiling back at him.
- Have more eye-to-eye contact and a lots of cuddling, snuggling, and kissing.
- Set healthy eating and sleeping patterns to keep him calm and happy.
4 To 6 Months
Emotional Development:
- Can now distinguish family members, familiar faces and strangers. No longer smiles indiscriminately.
- Expects feeding, dressing and bathing.
- May start to respond to his own name when it is called.
- Baby talk, lots of laughs and rapid mood changes are also expected.
What You Can Do:
- Let family members spend quality time with baby to develop his trust in them too.
- Your baby needs to develop adaptability. Expose him to different environments, stimuli and people.
- Strengthen name recognition by using his name a lot.
7 To 9 Months
Emotional Development:
- Has a specific emotional attachment to mom.
- May start to make you laugh by mimicking your facial expressions and actions.
- Wants to be included in social situation but may show shyness at times.
- Can now distinguish between right and wrong, good and bad.
What You Can Do:
- Stir more laughter by playing games with him and singing action songs.
- The tone of your voice helps your baby understand what you mean so be sure to be aware of the tone of your voice and your actions.
- Include him in social gatherings.
10 To 12 Months
Emotional Development:
- May become anxious and shy with unfamiliar faces. May also express fear of strange places and situations.
- Picks up every object he sees and scrutinizes it.
- Becomes more independent but still holds your hand when he walks.
- Asserts himself in communication and play with siblings.
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